Week Three 25th - 29th January
Collective Worship
Creation - Perseverance
Say our Vision Together...God Believes, We Believe, I Believe
I hope you are all safe and well.
We are continuing with exploring our Christian Value of Perseverance. This week we are lucky to have Rev Keith read our story – The Story of Creation .
Thoughts after hearing the story...
I have no idea how God made the world- whether he made it in seven actual days or if it was in seven periods of time over thousands – millions of years. However it wasn’t instant – it didn’t just happen – each part was lovingly and carefully made.
When we do something, try something new, or start a new project it isn’t always instant. Painting a picture takes time, learning to count or a new times table doesn’t always happen instantly. Unlike God though we may want to give up, it may seem too hard. But we should persevere. Asking others for help, our grown ups, friends, teachers can all help us to get through the hard bits. And don’t forget to ask God, he doesn’t wave a magic wand, but he can still help us to persevere.
Hymn/Song Time...
Invitation to Prayer...
Dear God,
Thank you for your wonderful world,
Thank you that we can enjoy the beautiful things around us
Please help us when things are hard to persevere in all we do.
Picture News - Virtual Assesmbly
Picture News Virtual Assembly - 25th January from Picture News on Vimeo.