Assessment, Monitoring and Subject Leadership
In addition to all class teachers assessing the children in their class, to inform their planning and manage curriculum coverage, our devoted subject leaders oversee the delivery of their subject across the school.
Children's progress is assessed, tracked and recorded using three systems. For all EYFS and Reading, Writing, Maths and Science in KS1 we use Jason Hurr Tracking system. Teachers assess the children against curriculum objectives and our skills progression components documents and record their judgements. These are discussed at Pupil Progress meetings, where future plans are made to support and challenge children. The Head, class teachers, SENCO and Family Liaison Officer attends these meetings.
For RE, we have a separate RE Tracker which assess against the objectives from the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus and our RE skills progression components documents. We hold separate RE Pupil Progress Meetings to discuss children's spiritual development and set future targets individually as well as for the cohort as a whole.
For the wider curriculum, we assess against the national curriculum objectives and skills progression components document for each subject. We revisit topic work throughout the term, through our memory focused weeks and children record their independent learning in their long-term memory scrapbooks which are also assessed.
See below for examples of our assessment documentation for the wider curriculum.
Subject Leadership and Monitoring
Subject Leaders monitor their subject four times a year through our new cyclical system.
1. Initial Planning and Book Look Check
2. Lesson Observation, including book drop-in and in class pupil chat.
3. Formal Book Look and Pupil Learning Conference
4. End of Year subject data analysis
At each check, there is a specific focus for monitoring; curriculum coverage is checked, subject specific class data is analysed for the class and for groups, development suggestions made and the focus for the next monitoring is shared.
This enables the subject lead to have a good understanding of their subject across the school.
The EYFS Lead carries out all EYFS monitoring.
See below for blank examples of our monitoring documentation.