Nursery - Eric Carle 1

Welcome to our 2 Year Old Nursery

We opened our 2 year old Nursery on 1st December 2014 .

Welcome to Ladybirds (Nursery for 2/3 year olds). Our team leader is Miss Eyre. Other members of the team are Mrs Woods, Mrs Osborn and Mrs Kabasele.

Our Nursery is a warm, welcoming and secure environment with lots of new and exciting toys, especially suited to our age group.

We have a 1:4 ratio which means children get lots of individual interaction, especially with their key-worker. They particularly like story time with their special person.

Some children stay all day and bring a packed lunch. If staying all day, the children have the opportunity to take a nap in the quiet room or just have a little calm chilling time.

We are able to accept 2-year-olds immediately after their 2nd birthday; however, they do not pick up their funding until the term after their 2nd birthday.

We run a full day provision split into two main sessions. Each session is 3 hours. Morning sessions run from 8.45am-11.45am and afternoon sessions run from 12.15pm-3.15pm. Lunchtime is ½ hour from 11.45am-12.15pm and costs £2.00. Children are required to bring a packed lunch.

Parents of children who are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery education will receive a voucher that can be claimed within our provision.

Non-funded sessions can be purchased at £12.00 per session.

It is possible to use the funded 15 hours to pay for lunch sessions or our before and after school club. We are, however, unable to provide part sessions and this will need to be considered when deciding on which sessions you would like.

Session times

AM 08:45 - 11:45

Lunch 11:45 - 12:15

PM 12:15 - 15:15

Admissions Information

Waiting list

Admission to one of our nurseries is not dependent on applications received within a specific time frame. Parents/Carers can send an Expression of Interest form to the school at any time before they would like their child to attend and be placed on a waiting list. Parents/Carers will be contacted when the child is at the appropriate age, and we have availability.

If the child is eligible for immediate start when the interest is expressed, and we have the capacity to accommodate this, a mutual start date will be arranged. 

Please click here for the Expression of interest for the admission to Nursery form. This will be automatically sent to our administration team once completed.

Preference Forms

If you are requesting sessions before your child starts nursery for the first time, or you are requesting a change of sessions, please complete our Preference Form. This will be automatically sent to our administration team once completed.

Please contact Emma White- or see a member of your nursery team if you have any questions or problems accessing the forms.

Our Curriculum

We foster a strong child-initiated, play-based focus within our Nursery. 

We follow the framework set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage which sets the standards to ensure that children from birth to age five learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe.

Our activity gym (giants, pirates, castle, boat or wherever their imagination takes them) and toddler boxes are fantastic for physical development: balancing, sliding and jumping! 

Cooking time is delicious and the sensory tray varies from having gloop, shreddies, rice, porridge, jelly and lots more. They love to make a mess with their aprons on! 

At the end of each session there is an energetic singing time with actions.

Outside has been newly refurbished with water and sand areas, chalk boards, a train and a role-play area where children can enjoy playing with natural materials. The bikes are a particular favourite! Here the children can develop their gross motor skills as well as their imagination, social interactions and language skills.

We aim to develop independent little people with a love of learning. 

Autumn Term 1 - Autumn

Autumn Term 2 - Christmas

Spring Term 1 -  The Three Little Pigs

Spring Term 2 - Spring

Summer Term 1 -The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Summer Term 2 - We're Going on a Bear Hunt


Please call the school office or email