Reception - Julia Donaldson

Welcome to Julia Donaldson class.

Our teacher is Mrs Bandara and our teaching assistants are called Mrs Parkes and Miss Trevillion.


Areas within the Foundation classrooms:

- a cosy book corner containing a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. As well as a range of puppets and soft toys for developing imagination and story telling. 

- a maths resource area which enables children to explore mathematics practically and within their play.

- a writing station containing a range of writing implements and invitations to mark make.

-a creative area containing materials for junk modelling, joining, scissor skills and crafting.

- a malleable space for children to develop their fine motor skills and creativity through play-dough. 

- a role-play area for developing social and language skills.

- a large painting easel for developing creativity and physical skills.

- a construction and small world space for developing social interaction, problem-solving and language skills. 

- an area for sand and water play where children can engage in practical investigations. 

- a fantastic outside area that is open throughout the day as an extension of our classroom and learning opportunities. 


Important information

We enjoy our coach-led PE lessons on Fridays with Nick from Sports For Tots and a teacher-led PE session on Tuesdays. Children need a PE kit in school for these sessions.


We visit the library and choose a new book to take home on a Friday. Children will need to bring a bag every day to keep books safe.



Our autumn term topic is called "Colours Of Me". We learn about seasonal changes. We use lots of exciting words to describe colours, for example golden or scarlet. We look for signs of autumn outside and collect natural objects to make a hat.

We learn about the techniques of the artists Mondrian, Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock and have a go at our own pictures. We host an Art exhibition and invite our families to come and see it.

We learn about the celebrations of Divali, Hannukah and Christmas.

Autumn term Flip book! 


Our spring term topic is called "Once Upon A Time." We learn about the story of The Gingerbread Man and make clay models. We collect natural materials to make our own stick people and learnt more about the seasons. We learn about the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and make our own caterpillar food pictures by chopping up fruit and vegetables.

Once Upon A Time Flipbook: 

Marvellous Mystery Tour Flipbook: