Writing is an essential part of our curriculum. The ‘mechanics’ of writing are taught through the RWI programme initially, but children also have a daily ‘Talk for Writing’ session. This enables children to use their taught mechanics of writing creatively. We teach writing using Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing approach, employing the three stages of imitation, innovation and invention to a range of non-fiction and fiction genres. We link our writing context to our curriculum topics, finding real life reasons for children’s writing to enthuse them with purpose. We hold a high expectation that all writing is of a high standard across all subject writing.
We teach printed handwriting in EYFS and when children are ready, generally towards the end of Year 1 or at the beginning of Year 2, move to start learning a joined cursive script. Children follow a clear bespoke skills progression framework for writing. This was designed following thorough analysis of our children’s needs.
The writing skills progression, breaks down the objectives for writing into smaller specific achievable segments, enabling a clearer focus and ease to track skills progression. See below.
Vocabulary is integral to The Blossom Curriculum. See Vocabulary Strategy