Week Four 1st - 5th February
Collective Worship
Catching the Fish - Perseverance
Say our Vision Together...God Believes, We Believe, I Believe
I hope you are all safe and well. We are continuing with exploring our Christian Value of Perseverance. This week we are lucky to have Mrs Card read our Bible story – Catching the Fish.
Thoughts after hearing the story...
Have you ever tried to do something but felt that you are never getting there. It never works or it always goes wrong.
Flapjacks – they are meant to be really simple to bake but not for me. I can bake cakes, buns, biscuits, pizza, cheesecake…… but not flapjacks. I have tried different recipes but still they do not work. They either burn or fall apart. I could just give up (and at times I do!) but occasionally I try again. Although I still haven’t succeeded.
Jesus’ disciples must have felt a bit like giving up. They were experienced fishermen. That’s how they made their living. But this particular night they had caught nothing. Not even one little fish.
Then Jesus came and suggested they try again. Really! They were probably tired and fed up and possibly slightly annoyed that this man who was not a fisherman was telling them how to do their job. But they listened and they tried again! They didn’t just catch one fish they caught a boat full!
I think life can be like that sometimes – it isn’t always easy, but with Gods help we will eventually get there.
Hymn/Song Time..
Invitation to Prayer...
Picture News - Virtual Assesmbly
Picture News Virtual Assembly - 1st February from Picture News on Vimeo.